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How To Use Pinterest To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Pinterest is one of the best ways to promote your blog and grow your audience. According to some bloggers  Pinterest helps them drive more traffic than established websites  like Facebook or Twitter. Because of this many bloggers who want to drive traffic to their blog to share their ideas or make money by monetizing their blog traffic are including Pinterest in their blog  promotion tools.
Pinterest is a photo-sharing website where members can “pin” images and share them with other members.  If you post interesting images on your blog you can share them on Pinterest and drive traffic to your blog. There are several ways bloggers can use Pinterest  to promote their blogs and increase their traffic:
  1. Open Pinterest account. To start using Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog you will need an account. To open an account on Pinterest is completely free and you can do it by clicking here. You can sign in with your Facebook account or you  can sign up with a valid email account. To sing up with email you wil need to fill out your name, email and password.
  2.  Verify your Pinterest account. There are mny benefits of verifying your account on Pinterest. If you get verified as owner of your blog you will have access to Pinterest analytics and making your blog link clickable on your profile page. This will increase your traffic and  boost SEO of your blog.
  3. Add Pinterest buttons and widgets to your blog.  Adding buttons and widgets to your blog will help the visitors share photos with their friends. To increase the chances of visitors sharing image from your blog you should post interesting images, the king of image they will like their friends to see. When they click on the image they will taken to the blog post. Because of this by simply adding “Pin it” button to your blog you will increase the number of visitors that come to your blog. When visitors come to your blog and see a blog post that they find it interesting they will like to share it with their friends. By adding a pin it button they can do it very simply and their friends will be able to see it. They will in turn share it with some other friends of their and you will see a lot of visitors coming to your blog. Adding a pin it button to you blog posts is very easy, all you need is a basic knowledge of HTML, or if your platform is Wordpress there is a plugin that you can install. To drive traffic to your blog just add pin it button and let piners do the rest of the work.
  4. Write good description for your pins. When you pin photos from your blog you will have an opportunity to  enter a description of our pin. When writing your description you must write it for both search engines like Google and people. Use this opportunity to include keywords in your pin. This will help you rank better in the search engines. The choice of keywords you will use in the description will contribute to the ability of other people to discover your pins. Research the proper keywords to use in the description using keyword tools. Your description  should not be long, but well written to be able to catch the attention of other people.
  5. Create useful and original content to pin. There are millions of people who are using Pinterest to share photos with their friends. Many of them pin their own photos and images, but most of the pins are repins. If you share something that is interesting than people will want to repin it and share it with their friends. Same  stands for written content. People search online for useful information. If you pin a photo from a blog post people will repin it if they find the information useful and share it with their friends.  You can write about tips and guides on how to solve some problems or anything they may be interesting to your audience This way you will see an increase of traffic. To be able to drive traffic to your blog you will need to pin images from a website. And to keep visitors to come back to your blog it helps if you pin images from you best posts.
  6. Offer something for free or  host a contest. People will never refuse something for free. You can offer a free report or ebook or tutorials to everyone who visits your site. That will help in people repin your content and link back to your blog.  Other way is to start a contest offering a free service, book or something else to those who will have most pins and repins that will be linking back to your blog. The ones who will create most backlinks to your blog will be the winners.
To make money with your blog you will need to drive traffic. Pinterest is a great way to promote your blog and drive traffic. The 3 tips above are some of the ways you can use Pinterest to your advantage and turn it into a major traffic source for your blog.